Machiaj și Blog de farmec Luni, voi. 345

nothing says I love you like a bowl of ramen. (This was my dinner on Saturday night! I hung out with Jen and Cindy.)
S-ar putea să vă întrebați “, așa că în Tarnation este acest lucru de luni de sondari oricum!”

Ei bine, nu este exact un sondaj. Este mult mai degrabă o evoluție continuă (devolvare?), O listă de întrebări aleatorii oarecum aleatoare pe care am pus-o la cititori în dimineața zilei de luni în ultimii șapte ani. (Este ca un kickstart pentru creierul tău.) Întotdeauna am încântat să citesc răspunsurile dvs. în comentarii și sper că vă încântați să le citiți pe Mine.

Have you ever seen someone who looks just like you?
Not on the street, no, but several people have told me that they’ve seen my twin. She, or they, are out there… It’s only a matter of time before we find each other, and the plot against us unfolds.

Nu-mi pasă. You couldn’t pay me enough to __________.
Be on that show, worry element (is that still on?). I just remember seeing a clip with a woman stuck in a box filled with a billion worms. That’s literally my nightmare. Literalmente.

Would you want to be a werewolf?
No…because Tabs would be scared of me.

What’s something in your life you had to fight for?
To have a life where I was the one actually driving the car and making the decisions, because my parents had a plan for me all laid out, which was to go to medical school, even though that was the last thing in the world I wanted.

I think some of it was a cultural thing, and my parents were just trying to help, but I had to learn how to speak up for myself and fight for the things I wanted.

How do you feel about green eye shadow?
I wear it all the time, but only particular shades of green. Khaki greens, golden olive greens. I rarely wear bright kelly greens or neon greens because I feel like I’m of a certain age and can’t pull them off anymore…but olive greens and khaki greens are cool.


Randul tau. Doar copiați și lipiți următoarele întrebări într-un comentariu cu răspunsurile dvs. Aștept cu nerăbdare să citesc “em!

1. have you ever seen someone who looks just like you?
2. I don’t care. You couldn’t pay me enough to __________.
3. would you want to be a werewolf?
4. What’s something in your life you had to fight for?
5. how do you feel about green eye shadow?

“It’s like something out of The Godfather.” how often do you hear that? Well, I heard it yesterday, as a matter of fact, on a street corner in the mission district in San Francisco. There’s always something going on in that part of the city.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Cumpără acum

I was there with El Hub to meet one of his friends for lunch, and there was this big procession with a marching band best on the street in front of a beautiful old church.

One of the things I love about San Francisco.

Happy Monday, my friend. I hope you have an easy day today. I’m not really in the mood for difficulty, if you know what I mean. I want to coast…


Your nephew says “mrow,” by the way.

Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent,


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